Today we left our home in Bountiful at 8:00am to head to Ogden. COLD COLD COLD, I am really sick to death of winter – ok sorry, didn’t mean to grouse about the weather. Christian decided it was the perfect day to wear his grandpa Poulton’s hat.
Christian told me that he thinks the Ogden and Provo Temple look like birthday cakes with one candle on them. We had a great time in Ogden, the temples have a special feeling in them - all of them.
Christian mentioned to me today that he always thought people were crazy when they said they learned something new everytime they attended the temple; however, today he changed his mind. While we were in the celestial room Christian told me about a moment where he was taught by the Spirit and many things just all made sense to him. Christian said, that he had been to 7 temples in a short period of time, all of them the same, but it was today in Ogden that he learned something about his Heavenly Father, and the love that He has for him.
We left Ogden and headed to Logan - again with the pretty state comments. There was a haze as we came into the Cache valley. it was so pretty. As we got closer to Logan and could see the temple on the hill I realized that whenever I see a temple in my travels, I feel safe.
Many years ago the Logan Temple was refurbished and then rededicated. Like Christian, I had never been to this temple. I was expecting it to be much like the Manti Temple with murals and grand rooms with chandeliers. I have to tell you that I was a little disappointed. On the outside you have a grand building much like the Manti Temple, but on the inside you have early 70’s style – it is very incongruent. I asked an elderly temple worker and she confirmed that before the renovation, it was much like the Manti and Salt Lake Temples. How unlike the church to cover something so historical.
If you know Christian, you know that he is a meat eater. The only bad meat is the meat that isn't on his plate. After leaving Logan it was decided that we needed to go to Brigham City and eat at Maddox. Christian and I felt a little out of place - it was the early bird special for the seniors. The whole place, including 1/2 our table was full of them - Remember, I think I am funny.

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