March 30th (One week at the MTC)
(Waking up at 6:00am = Bloodshot eyes)
Subject of the email: Missionaries do not Fondle each other! (see below for explanation)
I love it here at the MTC. It is so so amazing! My companion is a Hoot, and I don't bother him. We even have the same sense of humor, so it works out great; however, he is Canadian, the only down side (just kidding). His name is Elder Ryan Martins Right now it is day 6 and I already know how to pray, bear my testimony, and carry on a brief conversation in Thai. If I timed it correctly Maren should have received a letter from me today, so if you want to see my testimony in Thai, ask her. I wrote it in the romanized text for her. I can't believe how fast they teach us here, and I don't feel like I'm falling behind either. I certainly don't think I'm great, yet - but I am able to keep up.
(Elder Martins, he's a hoot - Christian's companion)
New rule, no making fun or bashing on the Yankees in my letters! They are amazing, so I only want to hear the best things about them. Remember, these are supposed to lift me up.
(Class schedule)
Daily Schedule:
Wake up at 6:00 (just to get a shower)
In class by 7:00
Breakfast at 7:45
Then back to class until lunch at 12:30
Back to class until gym at 4:00
then dinner until 6:15
And then yes, again back to class until 9:00

(Christian with Bro. Saakha - language teacher)
We go to the temple today at 3:30, I'm really stoked about that. I'm hoping it doesn't make me homesick at all. Speaking of homesick, I do miss everyone, but I haven't been home sick yet. When you start to think of the whole mission it starts to make you feel overwhelmed at times, but I love it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.
(District Elders at Provo Temple - Chris has now hit all the temples in Utah except the Monticello Temple)
Everybody loves my lava lava! I'm pretty sure they are all jealous and would have brought one if they had one. But I am the only one with them.

(Gym is closed - Lift Christian)
I love your spiritual thoughts that are in my letters. But if you want a theme for the week I will give you one. My talk for sacrament meeting this week is on the restoration. If you want that to guide your thoughts, that would be very helpful. My talk last week was on faith, and I thought it was actually pretty amazing.
(Elder Black and Elder Potter learning the language)
I love it here, don't worry about me at all. I'm really having the time of my life. The people are great, like my district is really close, we all get along so great, and you can really feel the bond we have and all are HUGE BYU fans. It honestly just feels like a giant EFY, TJ is going to love it.
(Showing off the band-aids from the shots)
Phom Rag Khun
(Sisters refused to show off their band-aids)
PS And the subject of the letter isn't that bad. That is how the
MTC president told us not to scratch other missionaries backs during the huge fireside on Sunday, it was quite funny so I thought you'd appreciate it. BTW - My departure date is JUNE 7
(Elder Martins trying to figure Christian's sense of humor)
April 6th
The food here isn't the best, but what they lack in quality, they make up for in quantity.
We heard a talk by Elder Eyring on "choose you this day" I absolutely loved it. I know we had the scripture found in Joshua hanging up in our home my entire life but I never knew that it would be my favorite scripture when I came hear. I guess I had really never read it. I guess dad and I are more alike then we even knew.
(Too much time on their hands)
(P-day activities)
(more p-day activities)
(I'm not sure it is such a good idea to have the rag that cleaned the toilet that close to your face.)
Sundays are very relaxing, we try to not study language at all and make it a spiritual day, I love it. Between each meeting we have a two hour break so there is some good study time!
(His name is above all others)
April 13th Letter in its entirety:
Dear Mom and Dad,
I know my testimony in Thai (see below) isn’t long, but I have only been here 3 weeks – to the day. In this letter I wanted to share some of the spiritual experiences I’ve had while being in the MTC. I’ll start with one from last night. Every Tuesday night we have a devotional and important people come and speak to us. Up until last night they have just been people from the missionary department of the church, but last night we got a member of the Seventy. His name is Glen Pace, I’m not sure if you know him, but he had the most incredible atmosphere. He reminded me of Elder Holland, that’s probably why I liked him so much.
He started out his talk by asking everyone a very direct question. “Do you KNOW your Father in Heaven loves you?” It was quiet for the longest time, absolute silence. This question had us all thinking very hard. He then went on to say, “If the answer is yes, then how did you find out?” We were told to ponder when in our life we have felt Heavenly Father’s love for us, not been told it, not seen it in hindsight, but felt it at that very moment. He told us some very special stories about the deaths of his parents. He even asked that they not record his talk because of the things he was going to talk about. I think this is the first time I had felt physically exhausted from feeling the Spirit so hard. After the devotional we all just went back and slept, it was amazing.
The other experience I wanted to share just happened on Sunday, it was during our district class (aka Sunday School). While we were talking about Jesus the Christ, we were suppose to cover chapters one and two, we made it to page three. In the book there is a quote I really like, “He is extolled by Christian,
Mohammedan and Jew, by skeptic and infidel, by the world's greatest poets, philosophers, statesmen, scientists, and historians. Even the profane sinner in the foul sacrilege of his oath acclaims the divine supremacy of Him whose name he desecrates.”
I just thought that was such a powerful statement, especially when you are reading the book. It opens a lot of insight into Jesus Christ. I thought of how Satan works, when someone gets angry or hurt they don’t yell out Buddha or Muhammad, they use Christ’s name. I think that is enough to know that He is divine. Satan is trying to undermine him and pervert his name. I hope these two stories are a hint of Spirit we are feeling.
Today all the guys in our Zone are doing the Raisin Bran challenge. In case you don’t know what that is, I’ll explain. We have 2 bowls of raisin bran for breakfast, 2 bowls for lunch and 3 bowls for dinner. This should make things interesting because of all the fiber. I’ll let you know if I need new garments after today (just kidding).
They have decided to remodel the gym for the next four months so we do not get to play in it during our stay here. They opened the field last week, but it has been snowing quite often here. Our little district came up with a game to play in our dorm. I took a small video of it, we call it wall hand ball – it’s pretty intense.
I love you all,
Elder Warner
(Attachment of Christian's letter - testimony in Thai)
April 20th
About the Raisin Bran challenge, it was pretty intense. We had to eat three bowls of raisin bran for every meal, and then see who could go the longest without going to the bathroom. I came in second, and I didn't even make it until 10:30pm. Most people were out by 7:00 or 8:00. What most of us didn't understand was that fiber might impact your immediately, but that isn't nearly as bad as what it does over the next two days. We have all decided to NEVER do that again.
(Elder Seymour singing to his woman)
Our Phii thays (older Thais) are leaving on Monday, and we get our Naa(ng) thays (younger Thais) in a week from tomorrow. That is our halfway point in the MTC. The time goes by so quickly. In one week we'll be the oldest district in the southeast Asia area. I can't believe we're going to have a ton of people asking us questions about the language.
(Elder "JET EYE" mind tricks don't work!!)
One night about a week after I was in the MTC I really started to feel overwhelmed about the whole 2 years business. I prayed, normally I would just talk myself out of the emotional state I was in. This time i decided to talk to my Heavenly Father. The feeling of comfort I got after was absolutely incredible. It honestly hasn't been hard one day since then. I haven't been worried and I haven't been homesick. I know that If I do everything I can to serve the Lord then He will make up the rest. I know He loves me and He feels everything I feel. He is the best friend anybody can ask for, especially a missionary.