So, this week wasn't the best week when it comes to missionary work. Our mission president is really having us focus on families. So much so that he doesn't ever want us teaching single people. He says the problem with Thailand is that we have been teaching singles for so long that nobody has that support system when they come into the church; therefore, they fall away fast. So we are only supposed to teach a lesson if there is an entire family present. We dropped all our singles and have been doing our best to find new families - however, no luck yet, I will keep you posted. Just a fair warning, this letter will not have anything about missionary work because we invited all day every day. One more thing for TJ to be excited for, MEMBER REFERALS - there really is no better way.

OK so you asked for a story about something that my companion and I did this week that was fun, I will tell you. In Thailand they have this ice cream shop it is called Swensen’s. Apparently it started in America and moved its way over. However every missionary loves eating ice cream at Swensen’s because the play American music in the shop, not to mention the ice cream is delicious. It is the only ice cream in Thailand that tastes like ice cream. Anyway, Elder B and I went, I got a thing called "The Earthquake" and he got a thing called "The Hurricane." I have pictures so you can see how much ice cream it is. The Earthquake is 8 scoops and the Hurricane is 5, it was amazing - I was so full after words. There is a missionary challenge here called the Hatch Challange. The goal is to eat a full large pizza, then the Earthquake, then do a Tim Tam Slam (have you ever heard of a Tim Tam Slam? If not look it up on the internet, it is such a blast). Anyway, you do all this right after each other, it is so cool. I will be trying this probably in the next week or two. Is that what you were looking for?
The testimony book, yes I have been using it, and everyone has written in it so far. Everybody here has something like it, so we just switch books. Even the members in Thailand have friendship books, weird huh?!
No I have not eaten dancing shrimp yet. I am trying to find a place. The members were going to take us to the place they know because it is pretty far away. So I am looking for a place to eat it, should be soon though. I am also looking for a good dog meat to eat. I'll let you know.
Yes, I saw my companions from the MTC when I went to moves, it was so great. They are all doing pretty well. Our new zone leader was actually Elder Martins district leader for his first moves. It turns out he has been struggling, nothing has been going good for him, but he will get better. I know it.
The language, I can never tell. I have no complaints. I feel like I am doing alright. I'm probably the worst in my group, but I can speak and understand... I think. So it is all good.
Need anything, no – my companion and I are doing great. In fact today we are going down to Udon to go eat at sizzler and go bowling. It is going to be such a blast, I can't wait.

(Boat races on the Mae Khong River)
That is way cool that you get to see conference next week. Not only do I not get to, but when I do watch it in two weeks, It will be in Thai. So pretty much an extended language study, YIPPEE!!!
You will have to let me know if there are any really good talks I should pay extra attention to.
I love you. I hope all is going well. Good luck with your work thing. I know you can learn it. You have the capacity of mind. (I know that a prophet said that phrase but I don't know which one.) Has mom gone back to work yet or not? I love her too even though no letter this week (just kidding).
tim tam slam is a weird thing...was very popular in malaysia. I can't believe he's considering eating dog meat...he's no longer my nephew!! that is just sick and wrong!! if you guys can get tim tams (they are an auzzie cookie and way yummy) you should try the tim tam have to have the right amount of temp because too hot and the choco melts and not enough the inside won't and you will get a splitting headache. :) have fun with that one! :)