Thanks for your letters this week. They were really sweet. I will start with the questions. My companions name is Elder Bloustein. He is from Los Angeles, California. He is probably the coolest elder in this mission. I always thought that Elder Greene and I got along great, but Elder Bloustein and I get along even better, and we are always have fun. It has only been 5 days and we are already close. We like the same things and have the same sense of humor. He has the perfect attitude about everything He is just very optimistic. It sure makes the work a lot easier. Plus it makes it makes it hard to complain when you have someone next to you that is only saying good things. I'm glad he is my companion. I hope I build some better habits from him, mostly how I think. I don't want to think negatively first and then change to be positive. I want the first thought that comes to my mind to be positive. He is such a nice guy. Details: He is a football player. He played in collage for a year before his mission at some school in Illinois. He is way strong. I think he will start forcing me to work out in the morning with him. Maybe I'll look like him one day.
(Elder Bloustein)
Man that is way sad about Bennet. I don't know what it is about my friends! I just found out that Tyson is convinced that he is about to invent the next big thing with another friend of his. So, he is going to wait for a while to go on a mission. If only they knew how important this really is. I feel so different then when I left. I feel so different then when I left the MTC. I was so immature! I was worried about things that don't matter at all. I know that I have changed a lot. At first I was scared to change but now it is all that matters. The experiences that I am having every day, I know will shape my life forever. I just wish everyone knew what we know. As I watch the gospel change other people’s lives, I can’t help but notice how it is helping my life. How it has helped our family. I think about my brothers and sisters and how they are married forever in the temple of the Lord. That is amazing. People in Utah can go to the temple every day, even multiple times a day. We have a Thai sister in our ward that is saving pennies to be able to go to the temple in a year, ONCE. So many things that before my mission I took for granted. I so wish I could go back and slap myself silly! I just got done writing Tyson. So if you felt obliged you could get Bennet’s address in Florida. I know that it is never too late to serve a mission. Elder Bloustein had struggles too, he is 22 and has never been more grateful for his decision to serve. He is so strong and his testimony has been building mine every day.
I love you all. I want you to know that I am grateful for the support I have. Tell Maren and Andy good luck, and tell them not to forget to pray for guidance. Tell Judd and Jessie the same thing. And how is my nephew? I'm glad mom is doing better, and that the dad's auditing thing is done at work. Tell grandma that I get her letters every week. I hope you guys are sharing these letters with her. They are written to her too, and grandpa. I appreciate her consistency. I love getting her letters every week. Have a good week!
ps. When I was talking about things that weren't important I was not talking about sports. You still better keep me posted. That is so sweet about BYU. I'm so jealous that you get to go see them. I hope you are slowly converting Andy.
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