Yes, all the teachers here do get paid. And they also have to be going to BYU to work here. So most of the teachers are just home off their missions; however, Bro. Duval and Bro. Saakha are the two oldest teachers. Bro. Duval has been here for almost 5 years, and Bro. Saakha has been here for 3.5 years. Bro. Duval leaves for medical school in a couple weeks. We were his last district.
You said something about everything getting organized? AWESOME! However, my golf clubs better not have gotten thrown away. I will be sorely disappointed... I was just thinking about that the other day. I’m really excited that I get that wooden bowl. I wanted it. I think that is the first thing that I have legitimately wanted in a very long time.
Ok Sister McDonald... She isn't what any of us expected. But that song is for real, from his heart. He fell in love with her like the first day. She went to Missouri. (I’m surprised you didn't hear that in the song. That was my favorite line. "She's going to Missouri, and that is given me misery") He wrote her after she left and she wrote him back. They have been writing ever since. But that is just Seymour. He is the most fun loving guy ever. He reminds me of brother King. Just 10 times more ditsy... can you imagine?
Alright my flights go like this.
SLC-LAX Delta # 2641
We have a 26 hour layover in Taipei. The airline got backed up on flights so our flight got delayed a day and it was too expensive for the church to buy new flights so instead they got the 13 of us a hotel in Taipei. We are supposed to find a shuttle bus when we get there to take to the hotel. I'm so so excited. I love these new adventures; however, there are some people in my district that aren't quite as fond of adventures. We will see how they cope. Just wish us luck that we don't get lost. They don't speak Thai in Taiwan. And none of us speak mandarin.
Ok so I forgot to pick up the paper in my room. It tells the name and address of the place where you can pick up my luggage, so I will leave a few minutes so I can email it to you a bit later. If I don't get a chance to email I will just tell you when we talk tonight.
My phone is charged and my camera is charged and I'm all packed. Both of my pieces of luggage weigh 48 pounds the limit is 50 so I hope all goes well. IF you have any further questions you can email me and I will answer them next time I get on. If not I will talk to you tonight. I Love you all!
PS Alright so I just gave them my suit case it turns out they will send it to the UPS Store on 500 south. So I thought that was pretty awesome. They will call you when they have it. However if they don't call in the next few days you might just want to go get it. I put lots of stuff in there like a Thai Ban mission shirt and the lava lava Maren gave me. You should keep that stuff. Everything else are just toys and things I thought you guys would rather have. They were just going to throw them away so instead I sent them back. I had no room. I love you and I will talk to you tonight. I can't believe I leave in 4 hours. See ya
2. We then heard from Brother Saakha. He had many positive things to say about Elder Warner - that is always nice to hear. Christian has always had many positive things said about him, he seems to touch lives where ever he goes. That is what Bro Saakha said, he commented about how the people of Thailand need his positive outlook on life. He said that is Christian is ready.
3. We heard from Elder Warner, only for a minute, he needed to get through security and then on to the plane headed to Los Angeles. He is going to call from there too. Oh my gosh, he sounds good - I am so excited to hear from him again.
4. Brother Robinson works for the SL Airport and was able to meet Christian at the airport and get these pictures. He is such a nice man. He said that Christian looked ready to go. He said Christian asked him to deliver a message - I thought it was going to be kiss my mom and dad for me, Christian would have done that to be funny; however, he just said, "Tell my family I love them." We all know that because he has shown us in so many ways.
Is there a new address we can send letters to now? Any idea how long it will take for letters to get to him?
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for him! He totally sounds ready. Let us know how all of the flights turned out. :) I can't believe one of his elders fell in love with a sister! lol Too funny. That is nice that your friend was able to be there to see him. :)