Hello home.
Yes, I arrived safely in Thailand. The flights were both awesome, except for two days after I was bobbing up and down in my head, but that was really fun. I can't explain to you what it felt like to get off the plane in Thailand. Everything was so different and exciting. The airport here seriously is like a piece of art work. If you have a chance to look it up, do it, it is very cool. And while you are looking that up you can look up my area, I'm in Nong Khai. That is at the very top of Thailand, right on the Mai Khong River. Our house is seriously 10 yards away from the river. We see Laos every time we leave. Our house is so awesome. We have 2 floors, 2 bathrooms and 2 King sized beds. It is so much better than the MTC Dorms. I’m not sure if you knew this or not but they don't use toilet paper here. Instead they have a little sprayer that looks like a dish sink hose, and you spray your butt. It is awesome!
All the missionaries who come in have a starting interview with President Smith. He is a very nice guy, he reminds me a lot of you dad. He is very laid back and nice, most people describe him as a teddy bear.
My companions name is Elder Green. He is an extremely nice guy. He is from Arizona but his parents moved to Montana while he was on his mission. He has 3 older siblings and one younger there are 2 sisters and two brothers; his only younger is a brother. He loves sports and likes to hang around with friends. Every morning we go running. Is this detailed enough? He has been helping me so much, luckily he knows a lot because I haven't been doing anything to help him. Alright so it’s obvious that nobody can become perfect at a language in 3 months. And just like all new missionaries I can’t really understand anyone when they speak to me, but I have an even bigger problem. They sent me to the area that most people speak Lao. I didn't learn Lao in the MTC. I have no idea what people are saying ever because I learned a different language!!! But For the rest of my mission my accent is going to be sweet, I really can't wait.
The food here is incredible. The Thai food in America really doesn't do it justice. I have fresh fruit every day. Exotic fruits, pineapple, coconut, kiwi, dragon fruit, and a ton of fruits that I don’t' even know the name of. Just like Brady said we eat out every single meal, except for breakfast. They are so delicious. On Sunday, for lunch, the entire branch stays after for some lunch and they make it in the kitchen, it was ok. My companion says that meal isn't usually very good because they have to make it for like 35 people. I didn't mind it though; however, that night, a member brought over some food for us. It was amazing, the best food I’ve had in Thailand. She is obviously a really good cook.
In the few days I have been here we have taught about 10 lessons and gone out contacting for hours and hours. We have had about 20 lessons cancel on us the last few days because people don't want to hear, but it is ok we will just keep trying. We had 3 investigators come to church, they seemed like they had a really good time. The members really befriended them and they even stayed for lunch. I'm really happy about it. The investigator’s name is Nog and he brought his wife and daughter. I think we can get them to be baptized.
I have an awesome story about being bible bashed-ish. Next to Nog lives a white guy. He is probably 55 years old and a serious jerk. There are quite a few old white men here because they come to get wives that are extremely younger then they. Anyway, as we were waiting for Nog to arrive this old man runs out and starts yelling at us, telling us that we don't have a right to be here forcing the Thai people to join our religion. We were trying to be very nice with him and tell him what we believe and why we want to share it but he didn't want to listen. He just kept screaming and trying to disprove what we believe. Anywho, Nog finally got home so we just walked away while he was in the middle of a sentence. Through the entire lesson he kept yelling at us from his yard using some very, very, very profane language. It was pretty terrible. But I was so excited that it happened to me. I wanted to slap him so hard. Elder Green says that is the first time it has ever happened to him and he has been here a year and a half. I can’t wait to see all the other awesome stories I'm going to have, this was only week one.
I'm sorry your work has been hard this week mom. It sounds very busy and stressful. Hopefully this next week will be a little bit calmer. I hope you have a couple of good weeks before your surgery.
I'm happy to hear dad is finding a new love for Andy Roddick. He is such a nice guy, I'm not sure how anyone can dislike him. And that is sweet that Wimbledon is starting. I wish I could watch it...(tear), but soccer is going! Have you guys been watching it? It is on everywhere here. I guess they really - really love soccer. I have no idea who is winning or anything but we get to watch it all the time.
I love you all so much. Thanks for your emails. I didn't think I was going to have any so I was really stoked to see some. I will write again next week.
Elder Warner
p.s. I forgot my camera today but next week I will send my pictures in the email. They are pretty sweet.
Yes, I arrived safely in Thailand. The flights were both awesome, except for two days after I was bobbing up and down in my head, but that was really fun. I can't explain to you what it felt like to get off the plane in Thailand. Everything was so different and exciting. The airport here seriously is like a piece of art work. If you have a chance to look it up, do it, it is very cool. And while you are looking that up you can look up my area, I'm in Nong Khai. That is at the very top of Thailand, right on the Mai Khong River. Our house is seriously 10 yards away from the river. We see Laos every time we leave. Our house is so awesome. We have 2 floors, 2 bathrooms and 2 King sized beds. It is so much better than the MTC Dorms. I’m not sure if you knew this or not but they don't use toilet paper here. Instead they have a little sprayer that looks like a dish sink hose, and you spray your butt. It is awesome!
All the missionaries who come in have a starting interview with President Smith. He is a very nice guy, he reminds me a lot of you dad. He is very laid back and nice, most people describe him as a teddy bear.
My companions name is Elder Green. He is an extremely nice guy. He is from Arizona but his parents moved to Montana while he was on his mission. He has 3 older siblings and one younger there are 2 sisters and two brothers; his only younger is a brother. He loves sports and likes to hang around with friends. Every morning we go running. Is this detailed enough? He has been helping me so much, luckily he knows a lot because I haven't been doing anything to help him. Alright so it’s obvious that nobody can become perfect at a language in 3 months. And just like all new missionaries I can’t really understand anyone when they speak to me, but I have an even bigger problem. They sent me to the area that most people speak Lao. I didn't learn Lao in the MTC. I have no idea what people are saying ever because I learned a different language!!! But For the rest of my mission my accent is going to be sweet, I really can't wait.
The food here is incredible. The Thai food in America really doesn't do it justice. I have fresh fruit every day. Exotic fruits, pineapple, coconut, kiwi, dragon fruit, and a ton of fruits that I don’t' even know the name of. Just like Brady said we eat out every single meal, except for breakfast. They are so delicious. On Sunday, for lunch, the entire branch stays after for some lunch and they make it in the kitchen, it was ok. My companion says that meal isn't usually very good because they have to make it for like 35 people. I didn't mind it though; however, that night, a member brought over some food for us. It was amazing, the best food I’ve had in Thailand. She is obviously a really good cook.
In the few days I have been here we have taught about 10 lessons and gone out contacting for hours and hours. We have had about 20 lessons cancel on us the last few days because people don't want to hear, but it is ok we will just keep trying. We had 3 investigators come to church, they seemed like they had a really good time. The members really befriended them and they even stayed for lunch. I'm really happy about it. The investigator’s name is Nog and he brought his wife and daughter. I think we can get them to be baptized.
I have an awesome story about being bible bashed-ish. Next to Nog lives a white guy. He is probably 55 years old and a serious jerk. There are quite a few old white men here because they come to get wives that are extremely younger then they. Anyway, as we were waiting for Nog to arrive this old man runs out and starts yelling at us, telling us that we don't have a right to be here forcing the Thai people to join our religion. We were trying to be very nice with him and tell him what we believe and why we want to share it but he didn't want to listen. He just kept screaming and trying to disprove what we believe. Anywho, Nog finally got home so we just walked away while he was in the middle of a sentence. Through the entire lesson he kept yelling at us from his yard using some very, very, very profane language. It was pretty terrible. But I was so excited that it happened to me. I wanted to slap him so hard. Elder Green says that is the first time it has ever happened to him and he has been here a year and a half. I can’t wait to see all the other awesome stories I'm going to have, this was only week one.
I'm sorry your work has been hard this week mom. It sounds very busy and stressful. Hopefully this next week will be a little bit calmer. I hope you have a couple of good weeks before your surgery.
I'm happy to hear dad is finding a new love for Andy Roddick. He is such a nice guy, I'm not sure how anyone can dislike him. And that is sweet that Wimbledon is starting. I wish I could watch it...(tear), but soccer is going! Have you guys been watching it? It is on everywhere here. I guess they really - really love soccer. I have no idea who is winning or anything but we get to watch it all the time.
I love you all so much. Thanks for your emails. I didn't think I was going to have any so I was really stoked to see some. I will write again next week.
Elder Warner
p.s. I forgot my camera today but next week I will send my pictures in the email. They are pretty sweet.
1st of all, that airport is gorgeous!!!! I loved reading this letter! It cracks me up that he is excited to be yelled at! lol
ReplyDeleteya, that yelling will get old really quickly and he's excited about dragon fruit? ick...seriously, it tastes like sand :)
ReplyDeletenow, the other fruits there...totally yummy! :) the young coconut is the best and pineapple...oh, I miss the orient now :) sounds like he's loving it and I'm so glad for him...i wish that I could get up to northern thailand...it has got to be so beautiful! When you email him, give him my best...mailing him from here will be EXTREMELY difficult so I will communicate with him through you guys, if that is ok :)