Oh that is too bad that Brady never served up here, it is really beautiful. You talked about Sala Kaew Ku Sculpture Park, that isn't too far from our house. We have an investigator that lives right outside of it, and it is so cool – The statues are amazing. About the fire out of the water, I haven't heard anything about that. But there is a good chance that I could be here for 4 moves which would be until November, so maybe I will see them (note from Mike – in the fall, there is fermentation that occurs under the water and balls of fire shoot through the air out of the water, apparently it is very cool to see). That is when elder Greene finishes. His family is in 3 Forks Bozeman area in Montana. I don't know where that is.
That is such a cool story about Kingsley Sabanda. It is incredible that you had that effect on his life. That has had eternal repercussions for the church. I hope to have stories like that by the time I’m through. I know I have already had some pretty awesome stories, which reminds me, I have a few to tell you in this letter.
1. This week we were out Inviting, and we came to this little place where this guy was building a square thing with bricks. We asked if we could help him and he said no. Just like everyone in Thailand (they are very independent people). We gave him a pass along card and our number and then started to move on. We noticed that there were a couple of guys across the street so we went over to talk to them. This one guy named Eddy seemed really nice, almost too nice and fairly goofy also. Immediately we did as dad did on his mission and considered him a drunk... I won't make that mistake again. Anywho he was nice and gave us his information and yesterday we went back and saw him, he was not a drunk! He is one of the nicest men on earth. He keeps inviting us back and wants us to teach him, his wife, and his 20 year old son and his wife. It was incredible. We got 4 new investigators off one contact. But here is the coolest part. This guy is a farmer, but not just any farmer, a crocodile farmer. When we go back on Tuesday he is taking us on a tour of his crocodiles. How sweet is that?! Oh yeah and he is opening a theme park around them, it is supposed to be the next big attraction in northern Thailand.
2. The water here in Nong Khai went out for a few days. All the water... The stuff you use to do dishes and shower and flush the toilet. All of it! So I went 3 days without showering! And this while sweating like crazy all three days. I have never felt more disgusting in my life. It was pretty bad. Elder Greene and I were like wiping off our bodies with these little wet wipes from a 7-11. It made me giggle.
3. We had an investigator come to church that we have been teaching. His name is Somyod. We have taught him like 4 times and he came to church, it was amazing. Most people don't come to church for like a month. I sat by him and helped him through all the meetings because my companion is the 2nd counselor in the branch presidency. It was pretty exciting! This guy has a heavy drinking problem and smoking problem. And the lesson in Sunday School was the Word of Wisdom, I think it was meant to be. He couldn't have picked a better day to come. I hope he has lots of questions when we go back to teach him.
4. I know you guys probably haven’t help the missionaries out too much since last week, but that’s ok. There at least must have been a want, because this week we had a member willing to help us at almost every lesson. We had a pretty terrible week when it came to lessons because most of our investigators pitted us (missed their appointments), but we had a member at almost everyone willing to help out. It was great!
So I know that we are going to have some bad weeks and some good weeks. But it sure does make the week a lot easier if it is good. I will however try to stay more optimistic.
I'm glad mom’s surgery is over with. I hope her healing goes really fast. It seems like she is back to her normal self of having a very high pain tolerance! I'm sure she we will be feeling better in no time. I pray for her all the time, and everyone at home, but her especially. Everyone better be taking care of her.
Something really sweet is happening on the fourth of July. President Smith (mission pres.) is coming up to do sacrament meeting at our branch up here in Nong Khai. How sweet is that? I get to go to church with the mission president in my first month in country, can you believe that? It is actually not such a good thing because he is coming to yell at our branch. They have a hard time supporting their leaders, so he is going to give them a talking to!! He is the number 1 leader over the branches after all. It should be a good meeting. I hope I understand most of it... (doubt it)
This Friday is zone conference, that means we have to go back down to Udon but it will be fun to see people from the MTC again. There are a few that will be at our zone conference. Because our zone is small we mix with 2 zones to make it bigger and more effective, I'm excited! Can you believe I’m half way through my first moves in country, this is crazy! It goes by way too fast.
I was going to tell you it takes about 2 weeks for a letter to get here or vice versa, at least that is what I was told. I will let you know when I get it to let you know for sure. I think packages probably take longer, but I don't know. The people usually don't get their packages until zone conference or moves meeting so I don't know how long it will take.
My companion and I are going out shopping today for some souvenirs from Nong Khai, I'm not sure what I'm going to get but I was planning on taking some money out, I hope that is ok. Oh yeah and if there is anything that anyone wants let me know because things here are very very cheap; however, not as cheap as they used to be, the dollar has gone down a bit in value. It is only worth 33 baht instead of the 50 it used to be, but it is still good because a meal costs less than a dollar, unless you eat at KFC, which we did this morning and it was just over 2 dollars. I still think it is a steal.
I loved getting the updates about the sports. IT was so cool about that tennis match, I'm so sad I didn't get to watch it. What a champion. It is too bad about America in the World Cup too... Oh well, at least they did really well. It is cool that you are hanging the Thai flag, I will, of course, be 10 percent Thai. Actually nobody here thinks I'm American about 90 percent think I'm from France and the other 10 have thought I was Mexican. Who would have guessed? Anywho, if you want to see a cool flag the kings flag is pretty sweet too.
I love you all. Tell mom I love her and to be strong. I know she will be ok.
ps. Tell Maren red one, red one , white one, black one, blue one, and silver one. (actually lots of cars in Thailand, and teenagers love bugs!)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sweet Bike June 21, 2010
NEW PICTURES ON THE OTHER BLOG - Some of you seem to be struggling with the blog with the pictures, I won't say who; however, Scott, you know who you are. The link to the right that says Christian's Pictures and Videos is where you will find them. By the way - when you enter a comment, I am including them in the following weeks email to Christian. Thanks - Now enjoy this weeks letter:
Alright, I will try and make this letter informative and interesting. I'm not quite sure what to talk about though. Nothing has really happened this week. We have a couple that were supposed to be baptized on Sunday. But they aren't married, and they had filled out all the papers and when they went in to submit them they had to fill out more, so that was lame. On top of that they didn't come to church and they haven't been answering our calls, Maybe if they can hold strong they can do it in a couple of weeks. Other than that this week has been awful on lessons. It seems like every day we have 6 or 7 people cancel on us, even if we call them earlier that day - It is frustrating. Thai people are too laid back, NOBODY carries a planner, No wonder they don't remember their appointments. I did do something cool on Friday though. I did a companion swap with the zone leaders in UDON. That is the closest place with other elders, it is about an hour bus ride. I spent the night down there, it was so fun. The people down there actually keep there appointments. I taught 7 lessons while I was down there, and I wasn't even down there for a full day. So it was a pretty good time.
Yes, it is just elder Greene and me up here in Nong Khai, and yes that is his name. How did you know? We took a bus up here from Bangkok and it was about 10 hours. After all those flights it felt like eternity. Yes he met me in Bangkok, every moves all the missionaries that are moving go down to Bangkok and meet there new companion. Elder Greene and I have to go back down in a few weeks again to renew his visa, every three months you have to do that. I'm not looking forward to it; hopefully, we will be able to take a train that time.
I did buy a bike... sort of. They, the mission office, picked out every bodies bike because the whole day was rushed. They weren't ready for us to come in because we came a day early. They just had to pick out the bikes for everyone. Fortunately, I got a pretty sweet bike. I'm sending pictures so you should tell me if it is a nice one. I've never heard of the brand before.
I loved your emails; they were great to hear about all the sweet stuff that is going on at home. Happy fathers day today... or yesterday depending on when you read this, but when I send it, it should still be fathers day. I hope everyone had a great birthday. It sounds like they did. I'm glad to hear grandma is doing great. It sounds like everyday she is doing much better, and I'm happy to hear that. You don't have to be worried about me worrying. I'm to busy to worry. I was just trying to give some comforting words for the next week. I really like that other scripture mom shared with me in this email. It is a real boost. Even though it is fun here and I know it's the right work. Sometimes it's hard not to become discouraged, but endure to the end - That is our missionary purpose. I also like the scripture that says “And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.” It is something like that; I think it is D&C 121. It is really uplifting too.
I was supposed to tell you about sending packages and stuff. Only use USPS mailing for packages. If you do it through some of the other big ones I can get charged alot of money here. So stick to the USPS. It is ok for siblings to email. So if they wanted to do that instead of send letters that would be ok, but if they would just rather send letters that is ok too.
Did Brady ever serve up here? I didn't see his picture, all the people who serve in Nong Khai hang up there picture and write the dates of when they were here, it is pretty cool. I've been told it is the only area that does that, but I'm not certain. I was supposed to tell you to look up on the internet something called the Mai Khong monster. It is a giant breed of cat fish in the river. It is supposed to be huge. Look it up and tell me a little bit about it.
In the letters to come you have to keep me updated on the World Cup, the Tour de France, and Wimbledon, and pretty much any thing else you feel obliged to share. But that would be great if you could do that. And I have another task. I think that because I am such a blessing to you by serving a mission, it is your turn to be a blessing to me. Here in Nong Khai the members are really struggling with missionary work. They don't like helping us out too much and they really don't like taking care of the less active and recent converts, which aren’t our responsibilities. So I think if you guys start helping the nice 19 year old missionaries at home. The members here will be filled with the Spirit and will start to help me. See if there is anything you can do to help, even if it is just giving them contacts (preferably more though). They need your help, just like we need the help of the people here. This brings me to my next question. How has your scripture study been going? Every day you should be reading the Book of Mormon. I think it is a good idea to do it alone and with each other, you two are a companionship after all. If you wanted to use Preach my Gospel it is a big help. Also, set goals, It is hard to get something out of studying if you don't have a goal to find it. I read the Book of Mormon in the MTC and realized I didn't get a whole lot out of it other then a good feeling; however, since being here, I have started again and this time I am highlighting all the pronouns of Jesus Christ. It is amazing to see how often He is referred to. If you wanted to do something like that, there are some suggestions in the PMG on the very last page of the BOM section. It’s listed under Mission president.
Anywho I think that is all. I love you all! I am happy that everyone is doing well! These emails really do help me have a much better week! So, thank you so much!
Alright, I will try and make this letter informative and interesting. I'm not quite sure what to talk about though. Nothing has really happened this week. We have a couple that were supposed to be baptized on Sunday. But they aren't married, and they had filled out all the papers and when they went in to submit them they had to fill out more, so that was lame. On top of that they didn't come to church and they haven't been answering our calls, Maybe if they can hold strong they can do it in a couple of weeks. Other than that this week has been awful on lessons. It seems like every day we have 6 or 7 people cancel on us, even if we call them earlier that day - It is frustrating. Thai people are too laid back, NOBODY carries a planner, No wonder they don't remember their appointments. I did do something cool on Friday though. I did a companion swap with the zone leaders in UDON. That is the closest place with other elders, it is about an hour bus ride. I spent the night down there, it was so fun. The people down there actually keep there appointments. I taught 7 lessons while I was down there, and I wasn't even down there for a full day. So it was a pretty good time.
Yes, it is just elder Greene and me up here in Nong Khai, and yes that is his name. How did you know? We took a bus up here from Bangkok and it was about 10 hours. After all those flights it felt like eternity. Yes he met me in Bangkok, every moves all the missionaries that are moving go down to Bangkok and meet there new companion. Elder Greene and I have to go back down in a few weeks again to renew his visa, every three months you have to do that. I'm not looking forward to it; hopefully, we will be able to take a train that time.
I did buy a bike... sort of. They, the mission office, picked out every bodies bike because the whole day was rushed. They weren't ready for us to come in because we came a day early. They just had to pick out the bikes for everyone. Fortunately, I got a pretty sweet bike. I'm sending pictures so you should tell me if it is a nice one. I've never heard of the brand before.
I loved your emails; they were great to hear about all the sweet stuff that is going on at home. Happy fathers day today... or yesterday depending on when you read this, but when I send it, it should still be fathers day. I hope everyone had a great birthday. It sounds like they did. I'm glad to hear grandma is doing great. It sounds like everyday she is doing much better, and I'm happy to hear that. You don't have to be worried about me worrying. I'm to busy to worry. I was just trying to give some comforting words for the next week. I really like that other scripture mom shared with me in this email. It is a real boost. Even though it is fun here and I know it's the right work. Sometimes it's hard not to become discouraged, but endure to the end - That is our missionary purpose. I also like the scripture that says “And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.” It is something like that; I think it is D&C 121. It is really uplifting too.
I was supposed to tell you about sending packages and stuff. Only use USPS mailing for packages. If you do it through some of the other big ones I can get charged alot of money here. So stick to the USPS. It is ok for siblings to email. So if they wanted to do that instead of send letters that would be ok, but if they would just rather send letters that is ok too.
Did Brady ever serve up here? I didn't see his picture, all the people who serve in Nong Khai hang up there picture and write the dates of when they were here, it is pretty cool. I've been told it is the only area that does that, but I'm not certain. I was supposed to tell you to look up on the internet something called the Mai Khong monster. It is a giant breed of cat fish in the river. It is supposed to be huge. Look it up and tell me a little bit about it.
In the letters to come you have to keep me updated on the World Cup, the Tour de France, and Wimbledon, and pretty much any thing else you feel obliged to share. But that would be great if you could do that. And I have another task. I think that because I am such a blessing to you by serving a mission, it is your turn to be a blessing to me. Here in Nong Khai the members are really struggling with missionary work. They don't like helping us out too much and they really don't like taking care of the less active and recent converts, which aren’t our responsibilities. So I think if you guys start helping the nice 19 year old missionaries at home. The members here will be filled with the Spirit and will start to help me. See if there is anything you can do to help, even if it is just giving them contacts (preferably more though). They need your help, just like we need the help of the people here. This brings me to my next question. How has your scripture study been going? Every day you should be reading the Book of Mormon. I think it is a good idea to do it alone and with each other, you two are a companionship after all. If you wanted to use Preach my Gospel it is a big help. Also, set goals, It is hard to get something out of studying if you don't have a goal to find it. I read the Book of Mormon in the MTC and realized I didn't get a whole lot out of it other then a good feeling; however, since being here, I have started again and this time I am highlighting all the pronouns of Jesus Christ. It is amazing to see how often He is referred to. If you wanted to do something like that, there are some suggestions in the PMG on the very last page of the BOM section. It’s listed under Mission president.
Anywho I think that is all. I love you all! I am happy that everyone is doing well! These emails really do help me have a much better week! So, thank you so much!
Monday, June 14, 2010
1st area & no TP (06/14/2010)

Hello home.
Yes, I arrived safely in Thailand. The flights were both awesome, except for two days after I was bobbing up and down in my head, but that was really fun. I can't explain to you what it felt like to get off the plane in Thailand. Everything was so different and exciting. The airport here seriously is like a piece of art work. If you have a chance to look it up, do it, it is very cool. And while you are looking that up you can look up my area, I'm in Nong Khai. That is at the very top of Thailand, right on the Mai Khong River. Our house is seriously 10 yards away from the river. We see Laos every time we leave. Our house is so awesome. We have 2 floors, 2 bathrooms and 2 King sized beds. It is so much better than the MTC Dorms. I’m not sure if you knew this or not but they don't use toilet paper here. Instead they have a little sprayer that looks like a dish sink hose, and you spray your butt. It is awesome!
All the missionaries who come in have a starting interview with President Smith. He is a very nice guy, he reminds me a lot of you dad. He is very laid back and nice, most people describe him as a teddy bear.
My companions name is Elder Green. He is an extremely nice guy. He is from Arizona but his parents moved to Montana while he was on his mission. He has 3 older siblings and one younger there are 2 sisters and two brothers; his only younger is a brother. He loves sports and likes to hang around with friends. Every morning we go running. Is this detailed enough? He has been helping me so much, luckily he knows a lot because I haven't been doing anything to help him. Alright so it’s obvious that nobody can become perfect at a language in 3 months. And just like all new missionaries I can’t really understand anyone when they speak to me, but I have an even bigger problem. They sent me to the area that most people speak Lao. I didn't learn Lao in the MTC. I have no idea what people are saying ever because I learned a different language!!! But For the rest of my mission my accent is going to be sweet, I really can't wait.
The food here is incredible. The Thai food in America really doesn't do it justice. I have fresh fruit every day. Exotic fruits, pineapple, coconut, kiwi, dragon fruit, and a ton of fruits that I don’t' even know the name of. Just like Brady said we eat out every single meal, except for breakfast. They are so delicious. On Sunday, for lunch, the entire branch stays after for some lunch and they make it in the kitchen, it was ok. My companion says that meal isn't usually very good because they have to make it for like 35 people. I didn't mind it though; however, that night, a member brought over some food for us. It was amazing, the best food I’ve had in Thailand. She is obviously a really good cook.
In the few days I have been here we have taught about 10 lessons and gone out contacting for hours and hours. We have had about 20 lessons cancel on us the last few days because people don't want to hear, but it is ok we will just keep trying. We had 3 investigators come to church, they seemed like they had a really good time. The members really befriended them and they even stayed for lunch. I'm really happy about it. The investigator’s name is Nog and he brought his wife and daughter. I think we can get them to be baptized.
I have an awesome story about being bible bashed-ish. Next to Nog lives a white guy. He is probably 55 years old and a serious jerk. There are quite a few old white men here because they come to get wives that are extremely younger then they. Anyway, as we were waiting for Nog to arrive this old man runs out and starts yelling at us, telling us that we don't have a right to be here forcing the Thai people to join our religion. We were trying to be very nice with him and tell him what we believe and why we want to share it but he didn't want to listen. He just kept screaming and trying to disprove what we believe. Anywho, Nog finally got home so we just walked away while he was in the middle of a sentence. Through the entire lesson he kept yelling at us from his yard using some very, very, very profane language. It was pretty terrible. But I was so excited that it happened to me. I wanted to slap him so hard. Elder Green says that is the first time it has ever happened to him and he has been here a year and a half. I can’t wait to see all the other awesome stories I'm going to have, this was only week one.
I'm sorry your work has been hard this week mom. It sounds very busy and stressful. Hopefully this next week will be a little bit calmer. I hope you have a couple of good weeks before your surgery.
I'm happy to hear dad is finding a new love for Andy Roddick. He is such a nice guy, I'm not sure how anyone can dislike him. And that is sweet that Wimbledon is starting. I wish I could watch it...(tear), but soccer is going! Have you guys been watching it? It is on everywhere here. I guess they really - really love soccer. I have no idea who is winning or anything but we get to watch it all the time.
I love you all so much. Thanks for your emails. I didn't think I was going to have any so I was really stoked to see some. I will write again next week.
Elder Warner
p.s. I forgot my camera today but next week I will send my pictures in the email. They are pretty sweet.
Yes, I arrived safely in Thailand. The flights were both awesome, except for two days after I was bobbing up and down in my head, but that was really fun. I can't explain to you what it felt like to get off the plane in Thailand. Everything was so different and exciting. The airport here seriously is like a piece of art work. If you have a chance to look it up, do it, it is very cool. And while you are looking that up you can look up my area, I'm in Nong Khai. That is at the very top of Thailand, right on the Mai Khong River. Our house is seriously 10 yards away from the river. We see Laos every time we leave. Our house is so awesome. We have 2 floors, 2 bathrooms and 2 King sized beds. It is so much better than the MTC Dorms. I’m not sure if you knew this or not but they don't use toilet paper here. Instead they have a little sprayer that looks like a dish sink hose, and you spray your butt. It is awesome!
All the missionaries who come in have a starting interview with President Smith. He is a very nice guy, he reminds me a lot of you dad. He is very laid back and nice, most people describe him as a teddy bear.
My companions name is Elder Green. He is an extremely nice guy. He is from Arizona but his parents moved to Montana while he was on his mission. He has 3 older siblings and one younger there are 2 sisters and two brothers; his only younger is a brother. He loves sports and likes to hang around with friends. Every morning we go running. Is this detailed enough? He has been helping me so much, luckily he knows a lot because I haven't been doing anything to help him. Alright so it’s obvious that nobody can become perfect at a language in 3 months. And just like all new missionaries I can’t really understand anyone when they speak to me, but I have an even bigger problem. They sent me to the area that most people speak Lao. I didn't learn Lao in the MTC. I have no idea what people are saying ever because I learned a different language!!! But For the rest of my mission my accent is going to be sweet, I really can't wait.
The food here is incredible. The Thai food in America really doesn't do it justice. I have fresh fruit every day. Exotic fruits, pineapple, coconut, kiwi, dragon fruit, and a ton of fruits that I don’t' even know the name of. Just like Brady said we eat out every single meal, except for breakfast. They are so delicious. On Sunday, for lunch, the entire branch stays after for some lunch and they make it in the kitchen, it was ok. My companion says that meal isn't usually very good because they have to make it for like 35 people. I didn't mind it though; however, that night, a member brought over some food for us. It was amazing, the best food I’ve had in Thailand. She is obviously a really good cook.
In the few days I have been here we have taught about 10 lessons and gone out contacting for hours and hours. We have had about 20 lessons cancel on us the last few days because people don't want to hear, but it is ok we will just keep trying. We had 3 investigators come to church, they seemed like they had a really good time. The members really befriended them and they even stayed for lunch. I'm really happy about it. The investigator’s name is Nog and he brought his wife and daughter. I think we can get them to be baptized.
I have an awesome story about being bible bashed-ish. Next to Nog lives a white guy. He is probably 55 years old and a serious jerk. There are quite a few old white men here because they come to get wives that are extremely younger then they. Anyway, as we were waiting for Nog to arrive this old man runs out and starts yelling at us, telling us that we don't have a right to be here forcing the Thai people to join our religion. We were trying to be very nice with him and tell him what we believe and why we want to share it but he didn't want to listen. He just kept screaming and trying to disprove what we believe. Anywho, Nog finally got home so we just walked away while he was in the middle of a sentence. Through the entire lesson he kept yelling at us from his yard using some very, very, very profane language. It was pretty terrible. But I was so excited that it happened to me. I wanted to slap him so hard. Elder Green says that is the first time it has ever happened to him and he has been here a year and a half. I can’t wait to see all the other awesome stories I'm going to have, this was only week one.
I'm sorry your work has been hard this week mom. It sounds very busy and stressful. Hopefully this next week will be a little bit calmer. I hope you have a couple of good weeks before your surgery.
I'm happy to hear dad is finding a new love for Andy Roddick. He is such a nice guy, I'm not sure how anyone can dislike him. And that is sweet that Wimbledon is starting. I wish I could watch it...(tear), but soccer is going! Have you guys been watching it? It is on everywhere here. I guess they really - really love soccer. I have no idea who is winning or anything but we get to watch it all the time.
I love you all so much. Thanks for your emails. I didn't think I was going to have any so I was really stoked to see some. I will write again next week.
Elder Warner
p.s. I forgot my camera today but next week I will send my pictures in the email. They are pretty sweet.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dear Warner Family, I am happy to report that your son has arrived safely in Bangkok and he is in good spirits. He is being oriented by President Smith and the office staff and will receive his first assignment tomorrow morning.
His Preparation Day will be on Mondays.
If you send a package to your missionary, please only use the U.S. Postal Service, either by regular Air Mail or Priority Mail. If you use U.S. Postal Service Express Mail, it will incur a very large duty by the Thai government which must be paid by the missionary. Also, if you use any private carrier, such as DHL, UPS or FedEx, it will incur a very large duty by the Thai government which must be paid by the missionary.
Parents and siblings are only allowed to use his email address.
I will add the mission address in a few days.
His Preparation Day will be on Mondays.
If you send a package to your missionary, please only use the U.S. Postal Service, either by regular Air Mail or Priority Mail. If you use U.S. Postal Service Express Mail, it will incur a very large duty by the Thai government which must be paid by the missionary. Also, if you use any private carrier, such as DHL, UPS or FedEx, it will incur a very large duty by the Thai government which must be paid by the missionary.
Parents and siblings are only allowed to use his email address.
I will add the mission address in a few days.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Talking to Christian
Last night we are able to speak to Chris. It was so nice, he is doing very well. He bore his testimony to us, in Thai, and translated it to us. He also told us about many wonderful experiences he has had - We were able to speak to him until 2:30am when his plane took off.
While we were talking to him we discovered that his plane from Taiwan to Thailand had been canceled. The workers at the airport worked hard at getting them to Thailand. He has gone from a 26 hour layover to a 1 hour layover. OH MY GOSH - trying to make a connection, in a major international airport, with 1 hour to make your connection. He will have to be first off the plane and then run through the airport.
His plane departed on time and it arrived in Thailand on time. His flight to Thailand departed on time and it has now landed; however, I have no idea if he was on it. I am hoping to hear from him/President Smith, via email, letting us know that he is there safe and sound.
After talking to him last night there is no question in my mind that he is ready for the next 21 months. He has been blessed with the Spirit and he recognizes how it has blessed him while he has been in the MTC. He knows that God lives, he knows that Jesus is the Christ and has provided a "Royal atonement" for our benefit. He knows that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that he saw and heard what he claims. He knows that 15 men are serving on earth as Prophet, Seers, and Revelators, and he knows that they are "not sacrificing their time for a fairy tale." He knows that Thomas Monson is the only man holding all the keys of the priesthood at this time. He knows that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that all the scriptures are a blessing in our lives and will help us be better. He knows that when he was a child, he spake as a child, he understood as a child, he thought as a child: but now that he is a man, he must put away childish things. He knows to obey is better than sacrifice. He knows that if he has faith and works hard that he will be led to those that our prepared.
During the hours of talking with Christian, Maren and I looked at each other in amazement, it was wonderful - HE IS READY. Patrice seemed to know that he was already ready.
We asked him about the "Royal" comment when referring to the atonement. He said in Thai, when referring to God or Jesus that all they do is considered Royal - I think that is a wonderful way to describe it.
Check his other blog throughout the weekend for the pictures that he sent us, they really are great.
While we were talking to him we discovered that his plane from Taiwan to Thailand had been canceled. The workers at the airport worked hard at getting them to Thailand. He has gone from a 26 hour layover to a 1 hour layover. OH MY GOSH - trying to make a connection, in a major international airport, with 1 hour to make your connection. He will have to be first off the plane and then run through the airport.
His plane departed on time and it arrived in Thailand on time. His flight to Thailand departed on time and it has now landed; however, I have no idea if he was on it. I am hoping to hear from him/President Smith, via email, letting us know that he is there safe and sound.
After talking to him last night there is no question in my mind that he is ready for the next 21 months. He has been blessed with the Spirit and he recognizes how it has blessed him while he has been in the MTC. He knows that God lives, he knows that Jesus is the Christ and has provided a "Royal atonement" for our benefit. He knows that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that he saw and heard what he claims. He knows that 15 men are serving on earth as Prophet, Seers, and Revelators, and he knows that they are "not sacrificing their time for a fairy tale." He knows that Thomas Monson is the only man holding all the keys of the priesthood at this time. He knows that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that all the scriptures are a blessing in our lives and will help us be better. He knows that when he was a child, he spake as a child, he understood as a child, he thought as a child: but now that he is a man, he must put away childish things. He knows to obey is better than sacrifice. He knows that if he has faith and works hard that he will be led to those that our prepared.
During the hours of talking with Christian, Maren and I looked at each other in amazement, it was wonderful - HE IS READY. Patrice seemed to know that he was already ready.
We asked him about the "Royal" comment when referring to the atonement. He said in Thai, when referring to God or Jesus that all they do is considered Royal - I think that is a wonderful way to describe it.
Check his other blog throughout the weekend for the pictures that he sent us, they really are great.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What a day: 1. We started the day with an email from Christian: Ok so this email is probably going to have no inspirational thought or anything. If you want one of those you can get it from me tonight. I'm going to start off by answering all the questions I got yesterday. The tour guide thing, every week at the TRC, we have a thing that is called a TASK. It is just fifteen minutes to practice doing something a missionary would do. That one was taking a member to church; however, my teacher loves to exaggerate things in order to build our vocabulary and push us. We love it.
Yes, all the teachers here do get paid. And they also have to be going to BYU to work here. So most of the teachers are just home off their missions; however, Bro. Duval and Bro. Saakha are the two oldest teachers. Bro. Duval has been here for almost 5 years, and Bro. Saakha has been here for 3.5 years. Bro. Duval leaves for medical school in a couple weeks. We were his last district.
You said something about everything getting organized? AWESOME! However, my golf clubs better not have gotten thrown away. I will be sorely disappointed... I was just thinking about that the other day. I’m really excited that I get that wooden bowl. I wanted it. I think that is the first thing that I have legitimately wanted in a very long time.
Ok Sister McDonald... She isn't what any of us expected. But that song is for real, from his heart. He fell in love with her like the first day. She went to Missouri. (I’m surprised you didn't hear that in the song. That was my favorite line. "She's going to Missouri, and that is given me misery") He wrote her after she left and she wrote him back. They have been writing ever since. But that is just Seymour. He is the most fun loving guy ever. He reminds me of brother King. Just 10 times more ditsy... can you imagine?
Alright my flights go like this.
SLC-LAX Delta # 2641
We have a 26 hour layover in Taipei. The airline got backed up on flights so our flight got delayed a day and it was too expensive for the church to buy new flights so instead they got the 13 of us a hotel in Taipei. We are supposed to find a shuttle bus when we get there to take to the hotel. I'm so so excited. I love these new adventures; however, there are some people in my district that aren't quite as fond of adventures. We will see how they cope. Just wish us luck that we don't get lost. They don't speak Thai in Taiwan. And none of us speak mandarin.
Ok so I forgot to pick up the paper in my room. It tells the name and address of the place where you can pick up my luggage, so I will leave a few minutes so I can email it to you a bit later. If I don't get a chance to email I will just tell you when we talk tonight.
My phone is charged and my camera is charged and I'm all packed. Both of my pieces of luggage weigh 48 pounds the limit is 50 so I hope all goes well. IF you have any further questions you can email me and I will answer them next time I get on. If not I will talk to you tonight. I Love you all!
PS Alright so I just gave them my suit case it turns out they will send it to the UPS Store on 500 south. So I thought that was pretty awesome. They will call you when they have it. However if they don't call in the next few days you might just want to go get it. I put lots of stuff in there like a Thai Ban mission shirt and the lava lava Maren gave me. You should keep that stuff. Everything else are just toys and things I thought you guys would rather have. They were just going to throw them away so instead I sent them back. I had no room. I love you and I will talk to you tonight. I can't believe I leave in 4 hours. See ya
2. We then heard from Brother Saakha. He had many positive things to say about Elder Warner - that is always nice to hear. Christian has always had many positive things said about him, he seems to touch lives where ever he goes. That is what Bro Saakha said, he commented about how the people of Thailand need his positive outlook on life. He said that is Christian is ready.
3. We heard from Elder Warner, only for a minute, he needed to get through security and then on to the plane headed to Los Angeles. He is going to call from there too. Oh my gosh, he sounds good - I am so excited to hear from him again.
4. Brother Robinson works for the SL Airport and was able to meet Christian at the airport and get these pictures. He is such a nice man. He said that Christian looked ready to go. He said Christian asked him to deliver a message - I thought it was going to be kiss my mom and dad for me, Christian would have done that to be funny; however, he just said, "Tell my family I love them." We all know that because he has shown us in so many ways.

Yes, all the teachers here do get paid. And they also have to be going to BYU to work here. So most of the teachers are just home off their missions; however, Bro. Duval and Bro. Saakha are the two oldest teachers. Bro. Duval has been here for almost 5 years, and Bro. Saakha has been here for 3.5 years. Bro. Duval leaves for medical school in a couple weeks. We were his last district.
You said something about everything getting organized? AWESOME! However, my golf clubs better not have gotten thrown away. I will be sorely disappointed... I was just thinking about that the other day. I’m really excited that I get that wooden bowl. I wanted it. I think that is the first thing that I have legitimately wanted in a very long time.
Ok Sister McDonald... She isn't what any of us expected. But that song is for real, from his heart. He fell in love with her like the first day. She went to Missouri. (I’m surprised you didn't hear that in the song. That was my favorite line. "She's going to Missouri, and that is given me misery") He wrote her after she left and she wrote him back. They have been writing ever since. But that is just Seymour. He is the most fun loving guy ever. He reminds me of brother King. Just 10 times more ditsy... can you imagine?
Alright my flights go like this.
SLC-LAX Delta # 2641
We have a 26 hour layover in Taipei. The airline got backed up on flights so our flight got delayed a day and it was too expensive for the church to buy new flights so instead they got the 13 of us a hotel in Taipei. We are supposed to find a shuttle bus when we get there to take to the hotel. I'm so so excited. I love these new adventures; however, there are some people in my district that aren't quite as fond of adventures. We will see how they cope. Just wish us luck that we don't get lost. They don't speak Thai in Taiwan. And none of us speak mandarin.
Ok so I forgot to pick up the paper in my room. It tells the name and address of the place where you can pick up my luggage, so I will leave a few minutes so I can email it to you a bit later. If I don't get a chance to email I will just tell you when we talk tonight.
My phone is charged and my camera is charged and I'm all packed. Both of my pieces of luggage weigh 48 pounds the limit is 50 so I hope all goes well. IF you have any further questions you can email me and I will answer them next time I get on. If not I will talk to you tonight. I Love you all!
PS Alright so I just gave them my suit case it turns out they will send it to the UPS Store on 500 south. So I thought that was pretty awesome. They will call you when they have it. However if they don't call in the next few days you might just want to go get it. I put lots of stuff in there like a Thai Ban mission shirt and the lava lava Maren gave me. You should keep that stuff. Everything else are just toys and things I thought you guys would rather have. They were just going to throw them away so instead I sent them back. I had no room. I love you and I will talk to you tonight. I can't believe I leave in 4 hours. See ya
2. We then heard from Brother Saakha. He had many positive things to say about Elder Warner - that is always nice to hear. Christian has always had many positive things said about him, he seems to touch lives where ever he goes. That is what Bro Saakha said, he commented about how the people of Thailand need his positive outlook on life. He said that is Christian is ready.
3. We heard from Elder Warner, only for a minute, he needed to get through security and then on to the plane headed to Los Angeles. He is going to call from there too. Oh my gosh, he sounds good - I am so excited to hear from him again.
4. Brother Robinson works for the SL Airport and was able to meet Christian at the airport and get these pictures. He is such a nice man. He said that Christian looked ready to go. He said Christian asked him to deliver a message - I thought it was going to be kiss my mom and dad for me, Christian would have done that to be funny; however, he just said, "Tell my family I love them." We all know that because he has shown us in so many ways.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Alright I have tons to say in this letter because of flight information and what not, so it isn't going to have many spiritual thoughts, forgive me.
I think I better start off by telling you that we aren't leaving on Monday. We are leaving on Tuesday. We are the first group ever in the history of missionaries for Thailand to leave on a Tuesday... go figure!
But it is ok because we leave the MTC at 4:30 in the afternoon. So by the time I have the chance to call, everyone will be home. These are how my plans are laid out:
I leave Salt lake airport at 7:51pm on June 8
I arrive at LAX at 8:46pm on June 8 (I think I will probably call here because I have a 5 hour layover. It will be late, but I think it will be the easiest and most convenient.
I leave LAX at 1:10am on June 9
I arrive at Taipei, Taiwan at 6:00 am on June 10 (long flight)
I leave Taipei, Taiwan at 9:00am on June 11
I arrive at Bangkok, Thailand at 11:35am June 11
This is exactly how it is on my flight plan. So I'm not sure how it is all going to work out with time zone differences. I just realized that I have like a 26 hour layover in Taiwan. If you can figure that out let me know.
Alright now this is important. It has to do with my calling you. What everyone is doing these days is having their parents send them disposable cell phones to call at the airport. You know the ones that you can buy and put like 300 minutes on and then when they are gone the phone is useless so you can just throw it away. They are pretty inexpensive. Everybody in my district has done this and I think it is brilliant. That way I don't have to call using a payphone. We have talked to the MTC and the Branch Presidency and they have all OKed it. So IF you could do that it'd be really nice, that way I don't have to wait for a pay phone. I hope you understand what I'm talking about.
Next problem I have to address is with luggage. We are allowed one Bag on to Delta and the second bag is 50 dollars. So I was wondering if that 50 dollars is what my 100 dollar travel money is for or if I need more for that? Let me know...
Also, I'm only allowed 1 carry on bag and it has to way less then 15 pounds. And my carry on suitcase is about 10 pounds by itself. So I can't really take it. I was thinking I would just use my backpack as a carry on. But then I need to know what to do with my small suitcase. There is a service in Provo that they come to the MTC and pick up the suitcases that can't be used. And then the family can go pick it up from them. They are on university parkway I think. If you want me to do that, just tell me. Or if there is an easier or better way tell me that to.
Other then these, I don't think I need anything. I am sending a package home today hopefully; it'll have pictures and some other cool stuff.
Alright last week I lied I said if you had questions for me get them to me by Monday. Well it turns out all the services here are closed on Memorial Day. So I didn't get any letters if you sent them so I am going to try and leave a few minutes that way if I get them tonight I can hurry and answer. But if I don't have time, don't hate me.
I love you all. And I miss you. I can't wait to talk to you next week. Because I'm leaving on a Tuesday, I get to email next week and call. Pretty sweet huh?
Anywho, if you need some spiritual enlightenment, here are a couple of good places to find it. You can read a talk given by Elder Packer, it is called "the touch of a masters hand" or go on to LDS.org and watch the new Mormon message called "Till we meet again".
I haven't gotten the mail yet but I don't think I will be able to email again after this. I just wanted to say a few more things. Tell grandma that Even though I don't write her back I think about her and grandpa everyday and I love her letters. And tell Aunt Leslee that I think about her too and even though I don't write her back I love getting her letters. When does she come in? Any way that's all.
Alright I have tons to say in this letter because of flight information and what not, so it isn't going to have many spiritual thoughts, forgive me.
I think I better start off by telling you that we aren't leaving on Monday. We are leaving on Tuesday. We are the first group ever in the history of missionaries for Thailand to leave on a Tuesday... go figure!
But it is ok because we leave the MTC at 4:30 in the afternoon. So by the time I have the chance to call, everyone will be home. These are how my plans are laid out:
I leave Salt lake airport at 7:51pm on June 8
I arrive at LAX at 8:46pm on June 8 (I think I will probably call here because I have a 5 hour layover. It will be late, but I think it will be the easiest and most convenient.
I leave LAX at 1:10am on June 9
I arrive at Taipei, Taiwan at 6:00 am on June 10 (long flight)
I leave Taipei, Taiwan at 9:00am on June 11
I arrive at Bangkok, Thailand at 11:35am June 11
This is exactly how it is on my flight plan. So I'm not sure how it is all going to work out with time zone differences. I just realized that I have like a 26 hour layover in Taiwan. If you can figure that out let me know.
Alright now this is important. It has to do with my calling you. What everyone is doing these days is having their parents send them disposable cell phones to call at the airport. You know the ones that you can buy and put like 300 minutes on and then when they are gone the phone is useless so you can just throw it away. They are pretty inexpensive. Everybody in my district has done this and I think it is brilliant. That way I don't have to call using a payphone. We have talked to the MTC and the Branch Presidency and they have all OKed it. So IF you could do that it'd be really nice, that way I don't have to wait for a pay phone. I hope you understand what I'm talking about.
Next problem I have to address is with luggage. We are allowed one Bag on to Delta and the second bag is 50 dollars. So I was wondering if that 50 dollars is what my 100 dollar travel money is for or if I need more for that? Let me know...
Also, I'm only allowed 1 carry on bag and it has to way less then 15 pounds. And my carry on suitcase is about 10 pounds by itself. So I can't really take it. I was thinking I would just use my backpack as a carry on. But then I need to know what to do with my small suitcase. There is a service in Provo that they come to the MTC and pick up the suitcases that can't be used. And then the family can go pick it up from them. They are on university parkway I think. If you want me to do that, just tell me. Or if there is an easier or better way tell me that to.
Other then these, I don't think I need anything. I am sending a package home today hopefully; it'll have pictures and some other cool stuff.
Alright last week I lied I said if you had questions for me get them to me by Monday. Well it turns out all the services here are closed on Memorial Day. So I didn't get any letters if you sent them so I am going to try and leave a few minutes that way if I get them tonight I can hurry and answer. But if I don't have time, don't hate me.
I love you all. And I miss you. I can't wait to talk to you next week. Because I'm leaving on a Tuesday, I get to email next week and call. Pretty sweet huh?
Anywho, if you need some spiritual enlightenment, here are a couple of good places to find it. You can read a talk given by Elder Packer, it is called "the touch of a masters hand" or go on to LDS.org and watch the new Mormon message called "Till we meet again".
I haven't gotten the mail yet but I don't think I will be able to email again after this. I just wanted to say a few more things. Tell grandma that Even though I don't write her back I think about her and grandpa everyday and I love her letters. And tell Aunt Leslee that I think about her too and even though I don't write her back I love getting her letters. When does she come in? Any way that's all.
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