Sup family?
This week was really good. I don't feel like I'm going to have a whole lot to talk about because we didn't really do anything. The main big thing that happened was a Zone Training on "how to begin teaching". It was pretty good, I have to be honest, I thought it was pretty repetitive, but that can be a good thing. It helps engrave things on peoples minds. Anyway, we did the training a little differently. We went through the scriptures and found out how people in the scriptures begin teaching. That was an interesting study. I feel like I learned a lot but I'm not sure what to tell you guys about.
We had a good week with investigators as well. We found a lot of new ones and we were able to get a new one to church as well. One problem is that a bunch of our progressing investigators decided not to come to church - Ugh!!! We have this lady who wants to be baptized in a couple of weeks but now she has missed church twice in a row, and she knows it is a commandment. We were teaching this other investigator the other day and I asked her why she believed in God and she said that she just knew because she "felt it in her heart" and then I asked if she believed that Jesus Christ was her Savior, she said "yes because without him I will go to hell." I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. I was just like, "yes - correct!" It is funny how two months ago she didn't even know who Jesus Christ was, and now she knows perfectly how important He is to her.
Anyway that is pretty much all the big news from this week. I'm kind of looking forward to next Sunday it is a Stake Conference and it is being broadcast from china so that should be interesting. This will be my first one of these, I wonder who the speaker will be. That is way cool that they called a new bishopric. Nobody even told me that the time was coming for that. I'll bet Bishop Haskell is grateful for a brake. I don't even know who Steve Smith is, and I would have never guessed the other two in a million years. How long was the other bishop, bishop?
The flooding still hasn't come to my area in Bangkok, which means that it won't, I think. Even if it does my room is on floor seven so I don't have to be too worried, it would have to flood about 56 feet to get to my room. As for the Good and Plenty's you asked about - let me tell you, there sure were plenty of them. Man, they still aren't gone and none of the elders I'm around care for black licorice. So I have been trying to eat it all by myself, And now i'm not even so interested in them, it was soooooo much!
Anyway, I know that one of the movies is Back to the Future But I don't recognize the other movie. You will have to tell me. I've tried it just isn't clicking.
Anywho, I love you guys have a good week.
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