Howdie Krอb Khrua (Family)
Well this week was great despite the adversity which we encountered. We had 4 really important Investigators decide that they weren't interested in the gospel anymore. That includes 3 people who were going to be interviewed for baptism this week, it was a rough time. One was the lady who had a problem with tithing, she decided that it was all just too hard and she needed to take a break for a while (everyone knows, including her, that that isn't a good thing). Another one of the invetigators decided that she "liked" Elder so we ended up giving her to the sisters to teach onward (but not until after a really awkward phone call that she made). Even with this bad news we still had some good come out of it. We saw some progression with the Ward, the members saw that the investigator that has come to church 13 times now isn't being baptized. It got everyone asking why, and we were able to answer lovingly that it was because the ward wasn't helping out (that is the first step of repentance, admitting what they have previously done wasn't right). We didn't do a whole lot this week just a lot of inviting, I knocked on so many doors! You would think after a year and a half of knocking on doors I would be pretty good at it, but nope, still bad! I think it has become easier but obviously I need some improvement.
Funny story: We were in a big meeting with President Smith. He was talking about key indicators and all the numbers and what not in the mission, and then at the end he was like "But out of all the numbers that are important, this number is the most important (writing on the board) 54-10 (he is a Ute fan). Everyone was like OUCH! Always trying to rub it in!!!
I constantly feel like there is less and less to write about because I'm not doing anything different these days and nothing exciting is happening in the area. All the things I do are fun and good but it is also the mundane stuff and it really isn’t easy to write about. I feel like I will have a few stories to write about, like in the next few weeks Elder Iverson and I are going to go try some new foods, like alligator, cobra, dog and stuff, and then once we get our area back up and pumpin' we will have some people getting baptized and then I will have all kinds of stories and pictures to send home.
Anyway thanks for the letters, I love you guys. And I am so grateful for the support and the letters (I'm sorry mine are so short), but don't think that it means I love you any less.
Movies: DaVinci Code, The Pacifier, and National Treasure. Theme: Blockbuster busts, just kidding – I don't know.
I need some razors so if you could send me some that would be greatly appriciated; also I broke my camera (I think it still works a little bit) but if you have any ideas on what to do there let me know.
Monday, September 26, 2011
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Mike - we have a camera he can have. It's not the greatest, but it's a Nikon Coolpix. It's a digital point and shoot, but it beats not having anything. Let me know if you're interested.