So, today I don't even know where to start. I think I will start by answering your question dad. I read the whole email right as I get on, but sometimes I don't know what to say back. I always think your comments are funny. I liked the Chuck Norris joke today, but I don't know exactly what to say in response.
Last week was a pretty intense week, because as you already know I went and played with monkeys, which nobody commented on by the way. Anyway as I was playing with monkey I got scratched by one of the monkeys, and monkeys were eating and licking their fingers, so I had to get Rabies shots. It was a good time, but I was surprised at how little the shots really were. Everyone has told me they were supposed to be big and painful, but no, they are small and surprisingly pain free. I also kicked a monkey and I got it on video, we were being chased by this giant monkey and I kicked it, it was sweet. When I get the video from Elder Anderson I will send it to you guys.
(While he was sending the email, I was on my email and so we corresponded for a minute. I told him about a time when I was 16 years old and getting attacked by a monkey and how I hate them. This is what he responded.) I hate monkeys and I will never play with them again, but I am glad I had the opportunity once. I love you. Have a great week. Tell mom I love her too!
And then after playing with Monkeys it was zone conference which was fun, and then district conference, that too was way sweet. We had the Area Seventy President presiding at that meeting. We had pretty much every president you could get there, Branch President, District President, Mission President and Area Seventy President. It was packed full of spiritual power. The only thing that could have made it better would have been an apostle, maybe next time.

As for your date night, that sounds like a really fun time. I really forgot how much I loved watching movies. I feel so out of the loop, I've never even heard of the movies you went to, but I did hear that Harry Potter came out. Apparently Thai people like that movie.
Oh yeah, Brother Ice told me what you said to him, I thought it was so funny. He had no clue what you were getting at, but it made me laugh. To answer your questions, we were burning the old hand books of instruction. They just came out with new translations of everything. They are more correct, so they have asked us to burn everything else. All the old copies are supposed to be destroyed. Apparently they are now apostate. But soon everyone will be burning their old Books of Mormon (Book of Mormons, I don't know). That is going to feel slightly weird. By the way the snake was not real, it was a plastic toy snake, but it looks pretty legit huh?
As for Thanksgiving – We will be celebrating it on Wednesday with the Takaras, because we will be going to Bangkok on Thursday. President Smith told me in my interview with him that this time I really am moving. So we really will be going to Bangkok. I am kind of hoping my next area will be in Bangkok, that way on Thursday night I can go eat a nice Thanksgiving dinner down there. I'll let you know how that goes.

I think I got all your questions and comments covered. It was good to hear about Andy still getting interviews, they stopped writing me so at least I hear it from someone. Have a good Thanksgiving!! I love you guys.
P.s. I am going to have to take some money out of the account to fix up my bike a little bit and make buy some other necessities. I hope that is ok.
I did not stop writing you! I haven't written them in emails, becuase I wrote them in letters and you mustnot have gotten them yet! Sheesh, make me sound like a bad sister. i still want you to get letters in the mail so I have been switching off. I will keep writing you emails, but don't be mad if things in them are repetative. I love you so much!
ReplyDeletewhy isn't there any updates for December? Did the kid stop writing?