สบายดี family ทุกท่าน
So I'm glad to hear how well everybody is doing. It sounds like everyone is having the time of their lives, as am I. This week was way cool because it was conference week; however, it was way weird. It is a completely different thing here in Thailand. I can't even explain to you how bizarre conference was. On Saturday, in all three sessions, we had 4 members there along with 4 missionaries and our branch president for a grand total of 9 people. 1 of the 9 was 9-year old and one was Brother Ice. It is no wonder why there are 13,000 less active members in Thailand. None of them think it is important to listen to the Prophet, but the good news is none of them can get offended by what President Packer said because none of them know it. Honestly people are ridiculous, I hope the people who were upset about that are non members; otherwise, they are apostate, and they should know better – Oh boy don't get me started.
But conference in Thai is way sweet. You certainly don't learn as much as when you listen to it in your own language (I think it is easier to get distracted, and harder to stay focused) but it was still fun. It also could be due to the fact that It was Elder Blaustein and I plus our branch president who just finished a mission here about 2 years ago (26 years old and been branch president twice, he is so strong). So, we might have been a little rowdy. I understood more than I thought I would though, which was cool.
I'm thinking this next week is going to go by fast. I'm still not sure if I’m moving. We find out tomorrow so then I’ll know for sure. I do know, however, that lots of things in the mission are changing this moves. They are merging a bunch of the zones; they are making 6 zones into 2 zones. That should make zone conference next moves a good time. But I don't know about anything else. Once again my companion and I are up here in the boonies, so we don't hear anything.
As for souvenirs from this place – I am stumped, but our goal is to go out and find something from this place. I know that we will do it, because we are determined, and because we have nothing better to do today.
Anyway I'm not sure if there is anything else for today, I hope this letter isn't too lame. I’m proud of BYU P.S. you never said if they won or not - let me know.
And that is way cool about Max, JJ, and Austin. I can just tell that big things are going to happen. It is way cool that members are getting some jobs in popular positions. Even if they are breaking the Sabbath to do it. JK
Give my condolences to the two families in our ward that have lost loved ones, and anyone else who needs it. I'm taking your talk dad and will read it this week it looks way good though. I'm sorry about work mom, I hope things start to pick up. Your busy time is coming (end of the year) so hopefully business will be better.
I love you all, Have a good week.
Oh yeah, I forgot.
One story is of the first counselor in the branch presidency. He has three children and a wife. He and his wife and his daughter were baptized all together. He also has 2 kids that haven't been baptized. One day about 8 months ago his wife told him that she didn't want to be a member anymore, and that she wanted the whole family to leave with her. He told her politely, “No, and that he and the kids were going to stay in the church.” So one day he woke up and she had packed up and left. She left all four of them there by themselves. She took the money, she took everything. This guy is probably the strongest member in Nong Khai. He was acting branch president for 4 months and is relatively young in the church. He has only been a member 3 years. He and his daughter are still active and way strong he has no Idea where is wife is, but through all of this he never blamed the church or God. He has kept a firm testimony all the way through, and just grew from the experience.
The other is a lady here name is sister Lek. She is about 45 years old. She has two sons. One is 16 the other is 9. She is the member that was there for conference on Saturday. She has absolutely no money, NONE! The three of them live in one room. Not a one bedroom apartment, but one room, smaller then my bedroom at home, and actually smaller than our bedroom here too. She is the only member that has given me a referral. She is the only female member that has asked to help us teach. She has nothing, and she is still giving everything she can to the church. She is a full tithe payer and never misses a week of church, even though she needs that day to make money so she can afford food for her kids and rent that probably costs her 500 baht a month ($15.00). She struggles to pay her rent, and on top of all that she is the Institute Teacher (calling not paid). Every Thursday night she teaches Institute instead of working. She is so strong and has so much faith that she will receive blessings because she is faithful. Because of that, she is happy. She has found the true happiness that lasts not the worldly happiness that fades away. She is such a great example.
I hope these helps with your talks. I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for or not.
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