Hello Family,
Oh boy... this week was a pretty good week. We had transfers, and I got a new companion. His name is Elder
Ackerman. He is from
Minnesota, I'm not sure what part though. It felt really weird to get a new companion because even though I've been in this area one transfers already, I was really only here for two and a half weeks. I feel like I really don't know the area that well and I haven't met half of the investigators that they were teaching before the floods came, but all in all it is
ok - I know enough to get by. Plus I have a really good relationship with most of the members due to the fact that it is a small branch and I have been helping them clean their houses and what not for the last week or two. It has helped us really get to know the members, and it is already paying off. Last week people were introducing us to their friends and what not. We also met some less active members. This morning we went out and cleaned the outside of a home of a member that hasn't gone to church in over 10 years, and I got a return appointment to go see him next weekend. I really hope that this experience brings people closer to Christ. It is pretty much the same as with grandma. I hope that this brings some of the people in our family to understand the importance of Jesus Christ and turn closer to him (I think in the scriptures it uses the simple phrase "humble themselves"). I think the pride cycle is so interesting, we are warned about it so much in the Book of Mormon (keep
commandments = prospering in the land / brake commandments = be cut out of gods presence). Even people who have read and understand the Book of Mormon find themselves in the latter half. I think that is so interesting.
Anyway other then serving people and transfers we really didn't do that much this week. We had a few good lessons with some investigators, I have an investigator who is really willing to do everything we ask. She does it all, but for some reason she still isn't being converted and I can't figure out why. I have seen the process now many times. When investigators keep commitments they gain a testimony (they progress), even though some are slower then others. This lady seems to be at a stand still and I can't figure out why. I guess I am just going to have to be patient with her and see what happens. I have had very few investigators who are as good as she is at understanding and applying the scriptures, but I think there is something else missing.
As for our Cambodian investigators. One is about to finish the Book of Mormon - probably today actually, which is impressive because just two weeks ago she was only in 2
nd Nephi. The other family of Cambodians are all in Alma, which is pretty good for them too. They read it as a family every day and personally, but their kids read really really slow, and this family works so they have a lot less time. It all seems to be going really well, they should be able to be baptized next month some time.
I'm glad to hear that grandma is still
kickin strong. She is such a trooper and always has been. I know that Maren will be really grateful if she is able to hang in there for
Please keep reassuring her of my love and prayers, she is always in them.
Christmas, I thought you guys were going to want to
skype with me. If we
skyped it would be most
convenient on my Monday morning which would be your Christmas night, probably at about 7 or 8 (am) my time which would be 8 and 9 (pm) your time - I think!!! If that doesn't work we can still do it another time, the only problem with my Christmas Day is I will have church so it would probably not work until really late your time, and then here we have Christmas activities on the 23rd and the 24
th, and I'm not sure when those will be. Let me know if Christmas night will work for you guys and if not we can talk about it next week.
I love you guys. Have a good week. Take good care of grandma
Independence Day and National Treasure, Book of Secrets. Theme: Secret underground
government stuff. Maybe even just
government secrets. Right?